Company profile and contacts

FRANCESCO.REPORT is a website by the individual company:

«Di Lella Francesco», VAT Number IT01850720093, N. Rea GE519053, Registered office in Genoa, Italy, digital domicile communicated to the Italian Registro Imprese, in order to online activities of publication, like an internet diary, for presentation and promotion of service and sharing of own or acquired autobiographical or professional contents, organized by subject of interest and within which services for the promotion of book titles and other travel, tourism and related products and services are provided.

Francesco Di Lella:

in 2001 he graduated in Business Economics from the Federico II University of Naples, with a thesis in Economics and management of commercial enterprises, entitled «Book distribution and the impact of new technologies», supervisor Prof. Mauro Sciarelli, published on;

since 2010 he has been authorized to work as a Tour Leader in French language with Card No. Rep. AT119/2010, provision of outdoing accompanying services for groups of adults and minors provided to the operators Guiness Travel Srl and Panda Avventure Srl. The role, tasks, the training and skills of the professional figure are well described and differentiated from those of the more common tourist guides in this article on eMarketing

❏ To contact the Responsible Party in relation to this Website, please send a message to this email address;

❏ for more information, personalized requests and/or professional collaborations in relation to the Owner’s touristic activity, send a message to this email address.